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We have installed a lot of lighting over the years. With the commercial introduction of LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) for lighting solutions in the early 2000s, the doors were open to a myriad options never seen before. These devices are small compact and use a fraction of the energy per output. They offer many different colors from ultra violet to Infrared and everything in between. Which offers the user more control at a more affordable price for their environments. From work lighting to mood lighting. We can see more clearly today.

LEDs have been around for years. We all remember those little red and green lights on our electronic equipment 30 years ago. Now they are everywhere. Easy to purchase ready to install systems for home, work or automobile.

LEDs have to be managed correctly, as they are quite fragile, not so much physically, but electrically. So they require LED drivers with full current protection to operate correctly. Also they do get hot, and heat destroys electronics. So it is always advisable to mount LED tape onto metal heat sinks. Use cooling fans in enclosures with LED lighting.

This type of lighting is excellent for display cases, especially in the Jewelry industry. With the flexibility of being daylight corrected, or even color temperature controllable. And of course output dimmable. We have included some images of LED lighting installations we have accomplished.

There are replacement solutions for most regular "old fashioned" lighting on the market. Offering substantial longevity and energy savings.

An example below shows how replacing 20 incandescent light bulbs with similar output LEDs bulbs saves a great deal of money.

Cost of Incandescent: $0.85 X20=$17.00 Life = 10,000 hrs Energy Usage per bulb per hr = 60whr
Cost of LEDs: $0.99 X20=$19.80 Life = 10,000 hrs Energy Usage per bulb per hr = 9whr
Total Operating Hours per year total 20 bulbs at 2 hours and 6 hours per day:
TOH@2= 14,600 hrs TOH@6=43,800 hrs
KWH Average cost: $0.12
Incandescent Year Energy TOH@2= 876KWH Cost = $105.12 TOH@6= 2,628KWH Cost = $315.36
LED Year Energy TOH@2= 131KWH Cost = $15.72 TOH@6= 394KWH Cost = $47.28
So as you can see, the cost saving is substantial. Even when you take into account the extra $2.80 for the 20 LEDs bulb purchase.

Linking the LEDs up to home automation and the audio system, allows you to control your environment from your smart phone or vocally.